Out Now:
Islamic Architecture: A World History
This book shows Islamic architecture, and the influence of Islamic architecture, on a global scale, all the way up to the 21st century. Buildings from dozens of countries, often not seen before. Includes Chile, Mauretania, Burkina Faso, Brunei, Cambodia, Myanmar, Canada, Bosnia-Herzegovina, France, Russia, Germany, Iraq, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Japan and much much more. 336 pages, all photos in colour. Published by Thames & Hudson.
Also published in German by Prestel Verlag and in Italian by Einaudi Editore.
Islamic Geometric Design (2013)
The first comprehensive full-colour art book on the subject. It has over 800 colour illustrations and photographs and presents the subject in a practical and historical content. It has an appendix with step-by-step instruction for over a dozen patterns.
Also available in French and Korean
Islamic Design Workbook (2016)
Like an adult colouring book but more challenging, more educational and more fun. It contains 48 geometric patterns, and 48 corresponding loose-leaf pages. These pages have the constructions lines needed to make each pattern in the book. The challenge is to figure out which bits of construction line to trace and which bits to ignore. And then you can colour it.

eBook: Best Practice in Islamic Geometric Patterns (2019)
This eBook codifies the rules that have guaranteed design excellence for 1,400 years.It can help architects and designers use this design heritage more fully and more profoundly. It also looks at the most common problems in contemporary architecture and design, and how to avoid them.
Available on Amazon, Google Books and iBooks.

eBook: Draw Islamic Geometric Star Patterns(2015)
This eBook gives step-by-step instructions for several star patterns.
Available on Amazon, Google Books and iBooks.

Exhibition catalogue: Escher Meets Islamic Art (2013)
This exhibition catalogue contains my essay Escher and Islamic Geometric Design.
French edition

Turkish edition

Farsi edition

Dutch edition

Korean edition

Korean edition

French edition

Farsi edition